Thursday, January 22, 2009

My First Bit of Nonsense

So with my wealth of knowledge I have obtained from my grand total of 4 Psychology classes I've taken (haha) I've started to try and develop my own psychological theories. A lot of these theories are developed while I talk to one of my friends I work with. Neither of us know whether these theories are actually true and correct, but that's really not the important part...But I guess I come up with a lot more theories than I thought seeing how I don't remember pretty much any of them, but he does. So this is one of the reasons why I started blogging (this is the part you can now leave to read someone else's blog).

So here is the latest theory based off the question that so many of us guys wonder...why do really hot girls date jerks?

Here is my theory: Girls who are extremely beautiful put a lot of work into looking that way. This can be a sign that they look for and even require approval because they spend so much time on themselves. We all like to make ourselves look good. There are very few of us out there that spend absolutely no time in front of a mirror. I myself, will even put in an extra 5 min on myself and do things like shave and even (only if the girl is super special) put gel in my hair. But there are some of us that go above and beyond the call of duty. However, this is only one piece of the puzzle. To get the full picture, the girls that date jerks more than likely probably don't have the healthiest self esteems. When you couple that factor along with their search for approval which manifests itself through the amount of time they spend on themselves, it amplifies exponentially their desire for approval. And so now you have a very beautiful lady (that all guys are attracted to) out for an abnormally high sense of approval.

Now you have to analyze the nice guys versus the jerks. I myself am one of the nice guys. My mommy has taught me well how to respect and care for women (opening doors, complimenting, making eye contact when you talk to them, bring them flowers, all that stuff). Now nice guys are very easy to get approval from. If we find a beautiful lady, we will of course take very good care of them and compliment them, let them know we care for them, etc. However, that is too easy for this type of women. The type of women that dates jerks are only out to conquer the world so to speak. The nice guys are easy to conquer, why would they settle? They need to conquer everyone. So when the nice guy is too easy, the move on, until they eventually find the jerk. Now that they have found them, the jerk is not going to be nearly as likely to do the things that the nice guys do, thus leaving the thirst for approval from these women, unquenched. And now the girl and the jerk are stuck in an epic, eternal battle; the girl awaiting the approval from the jerk and too stubborn to give up, and the jerk never willing to give in.

Should I feel like I just wasted my time typing that out? Oh was fun :p

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