Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cords and My Bachelorness

So yesterday we had two new roommates join us glorious in our bachelor pad. Along with them came some extra toys to join my band of mind numbing, pleasure increasing electronics. So now in our family room we have the combination of my 52" LCD TV, Surround Sound, Blu Ray Player (compliments of Mommy and Daddy from xmas), Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 which was joined by their Playstation 3 and Apple TV. So pretty much we have enough electronics stuffed into my entertainment center to make any Best Buy home entertainment center drop to its knees and shed tears of shameful resentment. Now adding these two devices proved to be slightly more of a challenge than I had originally thought (this could have something to do with my sporadic OCD occurrences). But it took my about 30-45 minutes to arrange and rearrange the devices and their cords so that everything would fit right in the entertainment center. And as I took a step back after all was completed I noticed the extensive maze and entanglement of cords that were spewing out from behind the television. And since I've started this his new way of keeping a record of the random things that occur in my life, I thought I'd take a picture and write about it!

But I got to be honest, I really don't think the pictures does it justice! But as I sat back at stared the glorious mess of cables I realized that as far as the entertainment center goes, this one has pretty much reached the pinnacle of its Bachelorness. and I must admit that I am quite proud of the fact!

Now after this proud moment of mine I made a trip to my room and as I looked around (and since I already had cords on my mind) I noticed the explosion or long, skinny, bendable and flexible awesomeness coming from the four corners of my room...

Here is my guitar system with amps and cords...not a lot, but cords none the less...
This is part of my new electronic drumset. And being electronic it has a lot of cords for each drum part, the foot pedals, headphones, power cord, audio input, get the idea.

And then my desk the computer and recording devices I hook up to it, printer, speakers, TV, DVD player and get the idea. 

And then since I was on this kick of all the different cords I have in my collection, I remember the mother load of cords, the ultimate collection bachelorness...

My DJ Gear!! Now this picture TOTALLY doesn't do it justice, but I wasn't about to spend another half hour just to set up my DJ gear to take a picture of all the cords. But I would say there are an easy 25-30 cords that are used to set up this system. And for some odd reason...I feel strangely satisfied by that.

But if cords can on some level represent your level of bachelorness, then I, my friends, have reached the pinnacle of it!


  1. Taylor, I think your obsession of many cords is a superb manifestation of something....I just haven't figured out what it is yet. I am sure its good though.....

  2. haha..I just found this blog today, I will switch it out with the link that I have of your blog from a couple of years ago...haha.
    yes, I would say that all these cords (which represent "toys") are a form of it up while you can right?? :)
